What are Global Hope Partners?

Accessible Hope International exists to facilitate Gospel-centered transformation around the world by equipping the global Body of Christ to open wholistic doors of access. AHI envisions people with disabilities living hope-filled lives as full and valued members of their communities.

To reach more people affected by disabilities through this wholistic approach, Accessible Hope International (AHI) is developing a network of Global Hope Partners (GHPs). AHI comes alongside and empowers local, indigenous organizations in the Majority World by providing resources, training, and financial assistance. 

By God’s grace, AHI envisions a growing network of various kinds of disability ministries around the world who collaborate together to promote the wholistic flourishing of people with disabilities.

We believe that such a network will strengthen each member organization by providing shared knowledge and resources as well as providing mutual encouragement for disability ministry which has historically been overlooked and significantly under-resourced. 

Global Hope Partners have the following benefits:

  • Access to Training curricula, tools, and templates

  • Multi-faceted Coaching Services from AHI’s staff and partners

  • Connection with other GHPs and AHI’s network

  • Accountability and oversight services

  • Designated Webpage on AHI’s website promoting the ministry and allowing a means for individual donors and grantors to give toward the organization (minus a processing fee)

  • Fiscal Sponsorship, to facilitate donations through a US-based nonprofit

  • Branding Affiliation with AHI 

  • Funding Possibilities, to the extent that AHI is able. 

Criteria to become a Global Hope Partner of Accessible Hope International:

  1. Workshop Attendance. A majority of the organization’s leaders must have completed AHI’s Theology of Disability workshop or a Theology of Disability Training of Trainers workshop, either in-person or online.

  2. Ministry Location and Structure. The organization must be based in Africa, Asia, or South America and overseen by local leaders. It must not be governed by a western organization. 

  3. Disability Ministry. The organization must serve people with disabilities either as the primary focus of their ministry or as a significant subset of their ministry. 

  4. Committed to Christianity. The organization must have a statement of faith that is aligned with the Apostles Creed and demonstrates that it seeks to be a biblically-based, Christ-centered ministry.

  5. Proper Registration. The organization must be registered with all appropriate governing authorities in its location. The organization must be registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO), community-based organization (CBO), spiritual-based organization (SBO), non-profit organization, charitable organization, or with a similar designation 

  6. Functioning Oversight. The organization must have a functioning board of directors that provides governing authority over the organization or the organization must be willing to enter into an agreement with AHI in which AHI functions in the place of a board of directors. 

  7. Similar Values. The organization must demonstrate that they have a history of and are currently undertaking activities for people with disabilities that promote the following values: Christ-centered; Spiritual Formation Integration; Affirming the Imago Dei; Wholistic Approach; Multiplying Impact; Diverse Inclusivity; Addressing Root Causes & Worldviews; Promoting Biblical Justice

  8. Various Income Streams. The organization must have a track record of income streams that supplement any new funding received from AHI.

  9. Financial Accountability & Integrity. The organization must have a track record of faithful accounting and reporting practices that demonstrate multiple checks and balances. The organization must have a bank account established in the name of the organization with multiple signatories.

  10. Policies and Procedures. Established policies and procedures must be in place to ensure adequate safeguards are in place to protect staff, volunteers, and participants as well as the organization’s integrity.

  11. Visit In Person. The organization must host a representative of AHI to visit the organization’s ministry site(s). 

  12. GHP Application. AHI’s approval of a submitted GHP application (or communication with AHI that meets or exceeds the same data collection criteria)

  13. Signed Agreements. Signed Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement and International Grant Agreement.

  14. AHI’s Discretion. Above and beyond all of the above criteria, AHI reserves the right to reject any applicant based on AHI’s sense of God’s guidance. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at ghp@ahint.org.