
RoundUp App

Donate your change to impact lives! By signing up with this app, every time you swipe your credit or debit card, you can round up the dollar amount and impact people with disabilities through Accessible Hope.


Are you a Thrivent member? Did you know that as a member of Thrivent, you have the amazing opportunity to support Accessible Hope and impact lives in two ways?

Thrivent Action Teams

Two times annually, Thrivent members can apply to lead a volunteer team in a fundraiser, service activity, or educational event. Thrivent provides a customized kit of resources, including a $250 visa card, to get you started and mobilize your team’s passion. Gather a team of volunteers, and impact lives across the globe through the ministry of AHI and the efforts of your team. Contact AHI at: for more information, or ideas for how to use your Thrivent Action Team kit.

Thrivent Choice Dollars®

Each year, Thrivent members have the opportunity to direct their Choice Dollars® toward an organization or ministry. These Choice Dollars® accrue based on an individual’s insurance premiums and contract values. Choice Dollars® that are not directed to a charity expire, so why not impact lives today? Log into your online Thrivent account, contact your Thrivent representative, or call Client Services at 800-847-4836 (following the prompts for Thrivent Choice), and direct your Choice Dollars® today.


Grocery/Retail Store Rewards

Many grocery/retail stores have reward programs for charities. Contact your local stores and see if Accessible Hope can be one of their reward charities.

Airline Mile Donation

Millions of unused airline miles accumulate in frequent flyer accounts, often expiring before their holders have an opportunity to use them. When you donate airline miles, you can give a gift to God’s Kingdom that is worth thousands of dollars!

Accessible Hope can use your donated airline miles to send staff to the field, conduct trainings throughout the developing world or get staff to conferences, building connections and further equipping them to serve. Help us maximize the use of Kingdom resources by donating airline miles!

If you wish to contribute in this way, please contact us.

NOTE: Because airline miles and points are awards from companies and are not taxed as income, the IRS does not allow the donation of airline miles or points to be used as a charitable deduction.


Stock Donations/Estate Planning

Accessible Hope is able to accept stock donations and we would love to be prayerfully considered as a part of your planned giving.

If you would like to learn more about donating stock or including Accessible Hope in your planned giving, please click here.